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Eradiate Workshop 2024

12th November 2024 // 9:00−17:30
ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

This event is organized jointly with ESA’s Hyperspectral Workshop 2024.

Provisional agenda

Background and objectives #

Eradiate is an open-source new-generation 3D radiative transfer model for the Earth observation community. Its primary focus is to deliver highly accurate radiometric simulations for remote sensing applications. It is designed to be a highly flexible radiative transfer simulation environment allowing for both classic 1D, as well as advanced 3D simulations. Recent developments have brought features and datasets to support hyperspectral applications.

See our home page for a detailed feature list.
See that page for more information about the history of the project and the underlying motivations.

This one-day event will introduce participants to Eradiate from a conceptual and practical point of view. An introductory seminar will present the fundamental principles and concepts underlying Eradiate’s design, and a hands-on tutorial will help participants get familiar with the modelling workflow, including an introduction to hyperspectral top-of-atmosphere reflectance simulation.

Participation #

  • This is a physical-only event: no remote participation is foreseen.
  • This workshop is given in the English language.
  • The tutorial assumes some familiarity with the Python programming language.
  • Prior to the event, participants will have to set up their simulation environment. An online help desk will be organized two weeks prior to assist users in the setup process.
  • The number of participants is limited to 20. Participants registering after this limit is reached will be placed on a waiting list and called if a seat becomes available.
  • Participants are encouraged to communicate their use cases. Training can be adapted to address specific needs.

Deadlines #

Deadline Date
Registration deadline 13 Oct 2024
Setup help desk opening 28 Oct 2024
Workshop at ESTEC 12 Nov 2024

Registration #

We have reached the limit of 20 participants. New registrations will be added to our waiting list.

To register, please fill in the form below ⤵️

Contact #

For questions, please contact